Friday 20 July 2012

Sun That Sends The Solar Flare

CME can send the solar particles on earth and can reach the earth on one to three days by affecting the electronic systems in the satellite which is on the ground. This CME will not be headed towards the earth but it will impact the STEREO-A.
In this the sun have been emitting with the solar level in the mid way. The solar flares are the huge bursting of radiation that cannot be passed through the Earth’s atmosphere that will harm the human on the ground. These flares are classified into M7.7 flare.
In this we can understand it is very weaker than the largest flare. In this the M- class flares can cause the most radio communications that will be blackouts at the poles.

 The sun standard will be in about 11 year activity by which it will be ramping over the solar system that is expected to be in the year of 2013.

Keywords:  CME will not be headed towards the earth,in the year of 2013, Earth’s atmosphere that will harm the human,M- class flares can cause the most radio communications

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