Tuesday 17 July 2012

Inflatable Spacecraft Heat Shield Set To Launch

NASA technicians and engineers have designed a unique experiment that will demonstrate the inflatable heat shield that will be used to protect the space craft by entering the planet atmosphere or by returning that to the earth. Robert Dillman is  said that “ We have developed a 10 foot diameter heat shield that we are packing uninflated  in to the 22 inch diameter nose cone of a three stage  Black Brant XI sounding rocket.

He is the chief engineer of the IRVE- 3.Thsi will protect against the payload that includes the steering mechanisms, telemetry, equipment and the camera gear. In this the rings are covered by the high tech blankets that are made up of heat resistant materials.

Neli cheatwood said that “Packing actually turns out to be quite a challenge”. Carrie Rhoades said that “We like it when it looks simple” he is the flight system engineer. He also said that “It actually took quite a bit of work to get to where we are now. We have to do all kinds of different testing in wind tunnels, high temperature facilities and laboratories”.

Keywords:  chief engineer of the IRVE- 3, wind tunnels, high temperature facilities and laboratories,steering mechanisms, telemetry, equipment and the camera gear

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