Monday 16 July 2012

Black Hole Caught In A Stellar Homicide

The gas from the star shown in the computer stimulated image that will be ripped in the tidal forces as it falls to the black hole. In the same way some of the holes are ejected at a very high speed into the space.
The most vital benefits are the telescopes in the space and on the ground will be gathered the most direct evidence of this violent process. In this the super massive black hole is shredding a star that is very close. 

NASA’s orbiting galaxy evolution Explorer and the pan telescope will be clearly used to identify the remaining stellar. 

A new set of flare in ultraviolet and optical light will be relieved gas falling inside the black hole of helium rich gas that will be expelled in the system.

 In this some of the material falls in the black hole in which rest of them is ejected at high speed. To study about the hot gas NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory plays a major role. 

In this the mass hole has been estimated PS1-10jh in which it has the several million suns that is highly comparable to the super massive black hole in our Milky Way galaxy. 

Keywords: NASA’s orbiting galaxy evolution, gas from the star shown in the computer stimulated image, in ultraviolet and optical light, NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory plays a major role, Black Hole Caught.

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