Monday 16 July 2012

New Expedition 32 Trio arrives at station

Expedition 32 Flight Engineers Suni Williams, Yuri Malenchenko and Aki Hoshide have arrived at the International Space Station after two days in orbit. The new trio docked its Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft to the Rassvet module at 12:51 a.m. EDT Tuesday. 

Williams, Malenchenko and Hoshide will join current station residents Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineers Joe Acaba and Sergei Revin when the hatches open a little over three hours later. 

The hatches between the Soyuz and the Rassvet module will open in about 2-1/2 hours, and Commander Gennady Padalka and Flight Engineers Joe Acaba and Sergei Revin will greet their new crewmates. 

Keywords – Expedition 32 Flight Engineers, Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft, Rassvet module, greet the new crewmates.

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