Monday 2 July 2012

Heliosphere Adventures

Heliosphere is the most beat magnetic field that can be affected by the formation, evolution or destiny of all the planets and also for the planetary systems. The habitable planet is shed by the magnetic field that protect from the solar or cosmic particle radiation that will help to get rid of erosion at the atmosphere by the solar wind.

The solar wind meets with the local interstellar medium will protect the planet boundaries from the galactic environment. There are also various configuration that occurs during the investigations that are targeted by the heliosphere and the boundaries.

This type of magnetic field properties are arranged between the formation process and it can be formulated by the other parts for the process. Even there are other solar systems that form big dust particles in the Saturn and Jupiter that will clearly explain about the plasma process.

Voyager 1 is the best spacecraft that has been reached through our solar system that have been done by helioshealth.In this there is a problem that termination shock has been appeared in the solar wind that have been crash with thin interstellar gas of the galaxy.

Keywords: solar wind meets with the local interstellar medium, best spacecraft that has been reached through our solar system,Heliosphere is the most beat magnetic field. 

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