Thursday 12 July 2012

Hubble Discovers a Fifth Moon Orbiting Pluto

A team of astronomers have found a new moon orbiting on the icy dwarf planet in the Pluto. By in this planet the moon is very irregular shape in which it is 6 to 15 miles away. But in the same way it is in the 58,000 mile diameter circular orbit around the Pluto in which this will be assigned as a co planer for other satellites in the system.

Mark Showalter said that “The moons form a series of nearly nested orbits, a bit like Russian dolls”. In this discovery it has increased the number of moons orbiting in the Pluto to Five. Harold Weaver said that “The discovery of so many small moons indirectly tells us that there must be lots of small particles lurking unseen in the Pluto system”.

Alan Stern is the mission Principal of the Southwest Research institute in Boulder he said that “ The inventory of the Pluto system we’re taking now with Hubble will help the new Horizons team design a safer trajectory for the space craft”.

The webb telescope will be able to find measure of the surface chemistry of the Pluto and also its moon that makes the other bodies that will be laid in the distant Kuplier Belt along with Pluto.

Keyword:The moons form a series of nearly nested orbits,webb telescope will be able to find measure of the surface, Alan Stern is the mission Principal of the Southwest Research institute in Boulder.

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