Tuesday 10 July 2012

Mars Panorama

On the NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity the panorama camera showed fresh rover tracks to a main impact that created a crater that have been blasted billion of years ago.

 In this scene it has shown clearly about the mast mounted camera that includes the rover own solar arrays and deck in the foreground that provides the set of sense sitting in the top of the rover and taking a new view of it.

In this the NASA has been continued with 15 years of robotic experience at mars.  The NASA’S Mars global Surveyor has been reached the planet when the pathfinder is alive and active.

Jim Bell said that “The view provides rich geologic context of the detailed chemical and mineral work that the team did at Greeley Haven over the rovers Fifth Martian Writer, as well as a spectacularly detailed view of the largest impact crater that we’ve driven to yet with either rover over the course of the mission”

Steve Squyres said that “Ron Greeley was a valued colleague and friend, and this scene with its beautiful wind blown drifts and dunes, captures much of what Ron loved about Mars”.

Keywords: NASA has been continued with 15 years of robotic experience,Ron Greeley, NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity the panorama camera.

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