Friday 13 July 2012

Launch Preps for New Crew Members

The Expedition 32 crew members living and working aboard the International Space Station Thursday focused on a variety of science experiments and maintenance activities. 

Flight Engineer Joe Acaba worked with the Burning and Suppression of Solids (BASS) experiment, which examines the burning and extinction characteristics of a wide variety of fuel samples in microgravity. The BASS experiment will help to develop procedures and methods for extinguishing accidental fires in microgravity, and it will contribute to the design of fire detection and suppression systems in microgravity and on Earth. 

Acaba also worked in the Kibo module on the SAIBO rack’s clean bench, performing some maintenance on its chambers and checking out its relief valves. 

Flight Engineer Sergei Revin started his day collecting blood and saliva samples for the Immuno experiment. That study seeks to determine changes in stress and immune responses during long duration microgravity missions. 

Revin also worked with an experiment known as Relaxation, which examines chemical luminescent reactions from jet engine exhaust in the Earth’s atmosphere, as well as the Seiner Earth-observation experiment. 

Commander Gennady Padalka worked with Acaba and Revin throughout the day on the installation of stowage racks in the European Space Agency’s Automated Transfer Vehicle-3 cargo craft. The racks will make additional room for stowage in the vehicle, which will help to accommodate the new cargo being delivered aboard the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s third H-II Transfer Vehicle set to launch to the station on July 20. 

Meanwhile at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft that will carry three additional Expedition 32 crew members to the station was rolled out to the launch pad. Flight Engineers Suni Williams, Yuri Malenchenko and Aki Hoshide are scheduled to launch aboard the Soyuz on Saturday at 10:40 p.m. EDT (8:40 a.m. Kazakhstan time Sunday), beginning a two-day journey to the orbiting laboratory. 

Keywords - Expedition 32 crew members, European Space Agency, Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft, Suni Williams, Yuri Malenchenko, Aki Hoshide.

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