Saturday 14 July 2012

Hubble Sees The Needle Galaxy

The NASA/ESA in the Hubble space Telescope has been relived with the detailed part of the view in the disc of the spiral galaxy at about NGC 4565. 

The bright galaxy is the most famous spiral galaxy in the world with a perpendicular to the light of the sight that has been right into the luminous disc. 

Needle galaxy is the nickname of the NGC 4565. This will be appeared in the very streak light of the sky. 

The main part is the edges of the Needle galaxy that have been with the core of the Milky Way. 

The NGC 4565 is the best core off the camera to the lower right. 

In these studies it will be said clearly about the NGC 4565 of the astronomers in the home in the Milky Way. 

It will be at the distance of about 40 million light years. 

This image was taken at the view of 3.4 by 3.4  arcminutes. 

Keywords:  bright galaxy is the most famous spiral galaxy,distance of about 40 million light years,Needle galaxy that have been with the core of the Milky Way.

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