Monday 11 June 2012

Venus Hubble Space Telescope Seen in Dramatic NASA Photo Shot During Transit

Venus crossed the sun’s face from Earth’s perspective on Tuesday June 5th. It marked the last such Venus transit until December 2117 Astrophotography Thierry Legault captured the rare event. His shot shows Hubble accompanying the planet on its trek across the solar disk. 

Legault traveled to Australia to observe Venus nearly seven hour transits.  Legan told “My Nikon D4 digital camera was working at 10 fps on a Takahashi FSQ-106ED telescope to record nine images of HST during its 0.9s transit.”

Hubble is visible in Legault’s photo as a tiny black speck, while Venus appears as a much larger black disk slightly below the venerable telescope. A smattering of dark sunspots is also visible in the image. Venus transits occur in pairs eight years apart. These dual events happen on average less than once per century.

The most recent transit occurred in 2004 before that the last ones took place in 1874 and 1882.

Venus transits offered a way to investigate one of science’s biggest mysteries the size of the solar system.

Keywords:- Astrophotography, Hubble Space Telescope, Venus Transit, Biggest Mysteries.

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