Monday 11 June 2012

Instrumental Integration Begin at Goddard on MMS Space Craft

A best instrument deck for NASA’s Magnetospheric Multi scale mission is readed for the installation of the instruments. There are two types of instruments being installed they are white box on the lower right of the Energetic Ion Spectrometer and the black box in the upper right of the central Instrumental Data Processor. 

Here the decks have been arrived .The engineers who have been working under the NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) that has been started integrating the four or five instruments in a newly fabricated clean room. Craig Tooley said that “This is the first time NASA has ever built four satellites near simultaneously like this”.

 He also said that” It feels like we are planning a giant game of musical chairs to produce multiple copies of a spacecraft. One instrument deck might be 2/3 finished, while another one is 1/3 finished, and the same people will have to test a nearly complete deck one day and the install large components on another one another day”. 

This MMS will fly over the space craft in formation to investigate how the sun and the earth magnetic fields to connect and disconnect the explosively transferring energy from one to the other an also a process that occurs in throughout the universe that can be known as magnetic reconnection. 

Keywords: Universe, Magnetic Reconnection, Investigate, Sun.

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