Thursday 7 June 2012

Thousands watch the rare transit of Venus across the sun

A small black dot appeared in the surface of the sun in just 10 GMT .This planet transit was watched by thousands of people for seven hours. And this transmission appeared in the online by live broadcasting .This phenomenon happens once in 100 years .1500 people watched in the Sydney observatory center in the country. 

Captain James cook is the British explorer chartered over the Venus over the sun by his discovery in Australia. After his successful observation he was sent to the “Great south land” that will be exited through the Pacific Ocean. Fred Watson said that”It’s not like and eclipse where you’ve got something blotting out the sun”.

Fred Watson is the astronomer in chief at the Australian astronomical observatory. This transit of the Venus that will be allowed by the scientists to get a chance to learn about the astronomers of the planets as they pass in front of the stars. Venus has passed the sun 53 times between 2000 BC and 2004. But only six times this observation has been done in the year 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874, 1882 and 2004. 

A co-investigator of the NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory Richard Harrison said that “A transit is a wonderful and rare sight: when you consider the vastness of the sky, for a planet to pass the disc of the sun is pretty unusual and you have to wait until2117 for the next one”.

Keywords: Solar Dynamics Observatory , Sky, Australian astronomical, Venus. 

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