Tuesday 26 June 2012

Forecast of Hurricane Chris

Infrared satellite imagery from NASA’s Aqua satellite have revealed that the clouds around Hurricane Chris eye have reached a cold peak early on June 21 when it was first designated a hurricane, and have since warmed. The thunderstorms that surround Chris eye are now between -60 and -70 Celsius. The temperatures indicate strong high thunderstorms with the potential for heavy rainfall.

The forecasters at the National Hurricane Center expect Chris to become a post-tropical cyclone on Friday, June 22. The weakening is expected because Chris is moving into stable air and cooler waters.

NOAA’s GOES-13 satellite captured a visible image of Chris on June 21. Chris is expected to turn in the Atlantic over the next couple of days. First a turn to the north and then northwest and finally south. Chris is moving around a large mid-to-upper level low pressure area and will eventually become absorbed within the upper level low in the next couple of days.

Keywords :– Infrared satellite imagery from NASA, Hurricane Chris, forecasters at the National Hurricane Center, expected to turn in the Atlantic.

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