Tuesday 5 June 2012

Pinwheel galaxy

The best image of the pin wheel galaxy is known as M101 that combines the data in the infrared, visible and ultra violet and x rays from the four of the NASA space based telescopes. This multi spectral view shows that both the young and old stars are evenly distributed along with M101 that have been tightly wound spiral arms.

In such the composite images will allow the astronomers to see how the features in one part of the spectrum match up with those seen in other parts. It is just like a regular camera and ultra violet camera, x ray vision, night vision goggles all at the same time.

The pinwheel galaxy is about 70 percent larger than our own Milky Way galaxy with the diameter of 170,000light years and sits at the distance of 21 million light years from the earth. Even many millions of years ago humans walk in the earth

keywords: galaxy, pin wheel, milky ,way ,galaxy, earth, nasa.

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