Friday 8 June 2012

ICESCAPE Expedition Unconvers”Rainforest” in Arctic Ocean

The NASA sponsored expedition to be the chilling waters to the Arctic Ocean that has been yielded with new discovery of the scientists that have be compared with findings ”a rainforest in the Sahara desert”. There are lots of water below the ice with full of microscopic marine plants which are essential to the life in the region by ICESCAPE Expedition. 

NASA’s Ocean biology and biogeochemistry program manager Paula Bontempi said that “Part of NASA’s mission is pioneering scientific discovery, and this is like finding the Amazon Rainforest in the middle of the Majave Desert. We embarked on ICESCAPE to validate our satellite ocean-observing data in an area of the Earth that is very difficult to get to. We wound up making a discovery that hope fully will help researchers and resource managers better understand the Arctic”.

 In the Pacific Ocean microscopic plants called phytoplankton grow here. The leader of the mission ICESCAPE Kevin Arrigo said that “If someone had asked me before the expedition whether we would see under- ice blooms, I would have told them it was impossible. This discovery was a complete surprise. At this point we don’t know whether these rich phytoplankton blooms have been happening in the Arctic for a long time and we just haven’t observed them before. These blooms could become more wide spread in the future however, if the arctic sea ice cover continues to thin.”

Keywords: Biogeochemistry, Phytoplankton, Arctic.

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