Wednesday 13 June 2012

NASA Shoots For Riskier Mars Rover Landing

NASA Scientists are taking a risk aiming to land its super Martian rover closer to its ultimate destination but near a hazardous mountain slope. “We’re trimming the distance we’ll have to drive after landing by almost half” said Pete Theisinger Mars Science Laboratory project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  

NASA reported that they will send more software upgrades to the Mars rover about a week after it lands. 

NASA launched the $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory last November. Super rover has nearly completed an eight month journey so it can soon begin its mission to help scientists learn whether life can exist or has ever existed on the Red Planet.

In a teleconference on Monday, NASA officials said that the agency’s scientists have gained enough confidence in the precision of the landing technology aboard the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft to change its landing plans. The rover is now slated to touch down close to Mount Sharp Which is the center of Gale Crater.

Scientists are eager to analyze the rock layers in the mountain to find out if the area has or ever had environmental conditions favorable to microbial life. 

“We have been preparing for years for a successful landing by Curiosity, and all signs are good” said Dave Lavery Mars Science Laboratory program executive at NASA.

“However, landing on Mars always carries risks, so success is not guaranteed. Once on the ground we’ll proceed carefully.” Said Dave Lavery.

Lavery explained that unlike the Mars rovers Odyssey and Spirit, which had a life expectancy of three months, the Curiosity has an expected mission length of a year.

Keywords -  Mars rover, NASA, Gale Crater, Curiosity, Red Planet, Mars Science Laboratory.

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