Tuesday 5 June 2012

NASA- Our galaxy to hit another in four billion years

The galaxy will get collide with the nearest network called as Andromeda and the crash is expected to be done after four billion years said by US space agency NASA on May 31.But in the years of “Extraordinary precise observations” from Hubble Space telescope tracking the motion of the Andromeda galaxy remove any doubt that it is destined to collide and merge with milky way “by Nasa. 

It will surely take four billion years before the strike. Scientists have been long known about the Andromeda in May 31 that will move towards the Milky Way galaxy in the speed of 250,000 miles per hour or it is far enough to travel from the earth to the moon in one hour.

But in this nature of the crash depends upon the galaxy sideways motion in the sky and this trajectory remained a mystery for more than 100 years. Jay Anderson of space Telescope Science institute in Baltimore said that” This was accomplished repeatedly by observing select regions of the galaxy over five to seven year period. A Persian astronomer Abd-al-Rahman Al Sufi in 1964 first spotted the name as “a little cloud “for Andromeda.

keywords: galaxy, astronomer, milky way

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