Thursday 7 June 2012

NASA craft carried digital copy of Bradbury’s “The Martian chronicles,” other works to Mars

Near to the North Pole of the mars a piece of Ray Bradbury lives will be on the waiting discovery by someone in the future. The best digital copy of the Bradbury’s” The Martian Chronicles” that will be along with the works by other science fiction legends which will be flown into the space in 2007 by NASA’s Phoenix spacecraft which will be touched down in the Martian  arctic plans. 

The planetary capsule will be put into the time capsule on the red planet for the future explorers and sought permission from Bradbury to include this in mini DVD containing the Mars themed literature. Art and music and also the names of 250,000 Earthlings. This space craft will be operated for five months before freezing to death. NASA will be developed by the next generation of the rockets and the capsules for flights out of the Earth orbit to the asteroid as a stepping stones to the mars. 

Bradbury did not live to see NASA upcoming bets robotic mission to the mars in which it will be landing in the one ton rover called Curiosity near the Martian equator in august. 

Keywords: Robotic mission, Martian equator, literature,NASA.

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