Friday 29 June 2012

NASA Space Launch System Core Stage Moves From Concept To Design

The nations space exploration program is taking the most critical step that are forwarded with the best major technical review to the core stage of the space launch system. This rocket will be taken by the astronauts into the space than ever before. This core stage is the main part of the heavy lift launch vehicle. This will be stand for about 200 feet with a best diameter of 27.5 feet.

In this the engineers from the NASA and The Boeing are presented with a full set of system requirements, designs concepts and production that approaches the technical reviewers and the independent review board. Tony Lavoie said that “This meeting validates our design requirements for the core stage of the nations heavy lift rocket and in the major checkpoint for our team”.

He is the manager of SLS Stages Element at Marshall he also said that “Getting this point will took a lot of hard work and also lam proud of the collaboration between NASA and also by our partners at Boeing. Now that we have completed this review we go from requirements to real blueprints. We are right on track to deliver the core stage for the SLS program”. William Gerstenhaber is the associate and administrator of the Human exploration operations mission.

He is the directorate of the NASA headquarters in Washington he said that “This is a very exciting time for the country and NASA as important achievements are made on the most advanced hardware ever designed for human space flight. In this the first test flight will be having the best feature with a configuration of 77 ton lift capacity in this it will be schedule on 2017.

Keywords: space launch system,Human exploration operations mission,William Gerstenhaber is the associate,NASA headquarters in Washington.

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