Monday 30 November 2015

The Mars Curiosity Rover Found a Martian Mouse

             Remember when keen-eyed fans of the photos provided by the Mars Curiosity Rover found an alien crab? That was a massive breakthrough in the “this could be a rock, or it could be an alien” community. Today, folks have spotted an alien mouse in the latest NASA photo dump or, at least, a rock that looks like a mouse.
                It’s probably not a mouse. And that other picture of an alien crab? Wishful thinking, If there is alien life on Mars, it’s probably microscopic at best and regardless, it’s probably not evidenced in any of the public photos on NASA’s website.At least people are excitedly looking at all of the Curiosity Rover photos, right? That means they’ll also get to see some of these beautiful shots of the Mars basalt dunes, which almost look like a churning sea.

Keywords-keen-eyed fans,alien crab, alien mouse in the latest NASA photo dump,Mars basalt dunes.

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